▷ NHL Picks | Free NHL Picks 2025 1

The second oldest of the four main North American hockey leagues is the National Hockey League. The NHL consists of thirty hockey clubs presenting players from over twenty different countries and you will find NHL picks, NHL predictions, NHL picks consensus, NHL picks against the spread and NHL picks over-under for every game. This, of course, includes NHL picks for playoffs. You don’t need to pay anything because we add all NHL picks free on this page but before that, we read all NHL expert picks so we can give you the best.

On weekends you can read all NHL picks for today but from Monday to Friday it’s better to call them NHL picks for tonight because almost all matches start late.


NHL Picks Consensus

NHL Picks against the Spread

NHL Picks Over/Under

NHL Picks for Tonight


The NHL was established in 1917 and attracts a wide fan audience yearly and enjoys the attention of millions of hockey supporters. In hopes of selecting the Stanley Cup winner, sports enthusiasts select wagering based on several strategies, tips, and current trends to make their pick in hopes of winning cash, and season games can be enjoyed via several radio stations or television partners such as TSN, ASN, NBC and NASN to name but a few. The NHL Foundation offers charity support to both the Cancer awareness and NHL Youth Development and supports the NHL’s player charitable efforts.

NHL Betting Odds

Apart from hockey online betting sites also offer basketball, baseball and football fans and other sports enthusiasts the chance to bet on the teams they support, while understanding the betting options could make a huge difference. The betting line formed during the season’s matches determines the betting line and the odds are made up at the beginning of the day and could alter based on several factors including the performance of the team.

Hockey betting chances can be viewed in several columns, the first relates to the money, the second column relates to the amount that can be won should the team win, and the last or third column relates to the winning amount if both the selected teams end up scoring more than what the odds are showing. NHL odds for our NHL picks are quite easy to bet on, and the team displayed with a 04 indicates that the set goal is 4. The number next to a team identifies that punters bet that less than the set number of goals they predict will be achieved. When (-110) odds are displayed on both teams the bookmaker predicts that the match could go either way. If Detroit (for example) is displayed with a -1 +270 and a +1 -330 is displayed for Detroit it means that betting predicts Detroit will win by two or more goals, explained by the -1 and the odds of +270.

NHL Betting Explained

Due to its fast-paced action, hockey is a hugely popular sport, followed by millions of fans and in a season, there are generally up to eighty-two games plus playoffs taking place, giving odd-makers and hockey sports bettors a broad selection of opportunities. The NHL league offers several wagering opportunities for fans throughout the season and to enjoy all the options available in hockey betting it is vital to understand the game rules, betting basics and NHL betting odds. When it comes to betting options the games scheduled during the week leading up to a game sets the NHL goal line, the point spread is normally fixed per match and the NHL line or point spread, unlike the NBA goals, are a set number of 1.5. The team that is considered the most likely to win the game sets the cover goal and the reason for this is that a tie or a single goal are what decides most hockey games. Payouts that are based on the goal line can drastically vary, and discrepancies are shown by selecting the team that is expected to win by two or more goals or lose by a single goal.

In NHL picks over under the game line is the goal total betting line based on the number of goals needed and research by the odd-makers, the analysis of both participating teams and other systems and the over/under sets the goal total for the game. The wager is based on the scoring total and whether a higher or lower number of goals will be achieved than that predicted by the odd-makers. As with a goal line, every NHL match also offers a money line bet and this is a straightforward wager in which the punter place bets on the team most favorable to win and no point spreads are involved. The NHL is by far the most attended league and wagering on this event is well before its scheduled date is called future bets. It gives sport fanatics the option to vote for their favorite team and fans can bet well in advance on the team they predict will win the NHL.

NHL Betting Advice

Hockey enthusiast can enjoy and participate in the high-paced action of the sports and enjoy massive returns by following and betting on their favorite team. Online sports betting sites also provide punters with team stats and histories, enabling new sports bettors to make easier betting decisions based on team performances and progress.

With online sports betting sites sport fanatics can bet on games in the comfort of their home, once a reputable and licensed sports betting site is found and benefits include live betting, regular score updates, excellent promotions, great betting odds and prompt payouts. The Stanley Cup 2017 odds again show the Pittsburgh Penguins as a favorite, which is no surprise giving that they won the 2016 Stanley Cup. The NHL prediction is not made with a blind eye and is inspired by the players and stats. Teams that are close behind is the Chicago Blackhawks, and the Washington Capitals and another one of the favorites worth keeping an eye on is the St. Louis Blues. Should you pay close attention to the bookmaker’s decision, it is the Pittsburgh Penguins that is placed in the most favored position, yet anyone would agree the Penguins are a great and a tough team and expectations are high that they would win the 2017 Stanley Cup.

NHL online betting allows everyone to place bets on a sport millions are passionate about and here you can find NHL picks for today. Sports betting sites offer the best odds for all fans from Maple Leaf fans to Canuck fans and everything in-between. Fans have all the updated information needed regarding game schedules, game results and detailed team histories at their fingertips, and online betting sites offer the most attractive betting odds, which is necessary to make the best opportunity of your chances to win money and enjoy your favorite sports.

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